Residential Generator

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a residential generator?

A residential generator is a device that provides electrical power to a home during a power outage. It is designed to automatically kick in when the regular power supply fails, ensuring that essential appliances and systems continue to operate.

Why do I need a residential generator?

Residential generators are essential for maintaining comfort and safety during power outages. They keep critical appliances like refrigerators, heaters, and medical equipment running, preventing food spoilage and ensuring you have power when you need it most.

What types of residential generators are available?

There are two main types: standby generators and portable generators. Standby generators are permanently installed and automatically start when power is lost, while portable generators are manually operated and can be moved to where power is needed.

How do standby generators work?

Standby generators are connected to your home’s electrical system and fueled by natural gas or propane. They have an automatic transfer switch that detects power loss and starts the generator. When the regular power supply is restored, the generator automatically shuts down.

What size generator do I need for my home?

The size of the generator depends on your power needs. A professional can help you determine the right size based on the appliances and systems you want to power during an outage. It’s essential to choose a generator that can handle your load without overloading.

How often should I maintain my residential generator?

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure your generator functions correctly when needed. It’s recommended to have a professional service your generator at least once a year. This includes checking fuel levels, oil changes, and inspecting components.

Can I install a residential generator myself?

Installing a standby generator typically requires professional installation, as it involves electrical work and compliance with local building codes. Portable generators are easier to set up but still require proper safety precautions.

Are residential generators noisy?

Standby generators are generally quieter than portable ones. The noise level depends on the generator’s size and brand. Some modern standby generators are designed to run quietly, making them suitable for residential areas.

How long can a residential generator run continuously?

The runtime of a generator depends on its fuel source (e.g., natural gas, propane, diesel) and the generator’s size. Smaller generators may run for several hours, while larger ones can provide power for days if there’s an adequate fuel supply.

Can I use my generator to power my whole house?

You can install a generator that powers your entire house, but it’s essential to size it correctly to avoid overloading. Alternatively, you can install a smaller generator to power specific circuits or critical appliances during an outage.

Are there any safety considerations when using residential generators?

Yes, safety is essential. Ensure proper installation, ventilation, and maintenance. Never operate a generator indoors or in enclosed spaces, as it produces carbon monoxide. Follow all safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer.

Can a residential generator increase the value of my home?

Having a standby generator can increase the resale value of your home, as it’s seen as a valuable amenity. However, the exact impact on home value may vary depending on the real estate market and location.

Remember that the information provided here is general, and it’s essential to consult with a professional and refer to the specific manufacturer’s guidelines for your generator model for detailed information and recommendations.