About Affordable Grid Resilience (AGR)

The concept of Affordable Grid Resilience came out of the meeting of the minds of 2 individuals from different industries, HVAC and Propane. They discussed a future where homeowners could have an easy and affordable backup power system that could be used in times of emergency or during any power grid failure, leaving them safe, secure, comfortable, and independent for days or even weeks.

AGR is just that: it is an affordable home backup power solution that is easy to install, start, and maintain. Use a smaller portable generator fueled by either propane or natural gas that can connect directly to the home’s breaker box and be able to power most of the home’s major appliances (Refrigerators, Freezers, Wi-Fi, Stove, Microwave, Washer/Dryer, Garage Door, Lights, Water Heater and even the HVAC System and Well Pump) without running multiple extension cords and having to go out into the bad weather to try and start the gasoline generator, as you may have had too previously.

The AGR Solution is 1/3rd of the cost of a whole home standby generator and 1/4th of the cost of solar and batteries.  The reason to use propane or natural gas is that the fuel not only burns cleaner than gasoline but also slower, as it can be stored longer in larger containers and reduces the maintenance needed. With quick connect hoses for propane or natural gas and a Remote Start/Push Button, starting up the AGR Solution is as easy as 1, 2, 3…

Nationwide Grid Failure

A county-level map of 8+ hour power outages. Counties shaded in white lacked any reliable data. (2022)



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